One of the biggest dates in automation, machine vision, robotics and many other industries’ calendars, Hannover Messe 2021 isn’t set to disappoint as it adopts its new “Digital Edition” format. With nearly 1,500 exhibitors and more than 5,200 products on display, it’s likely to be one of the events of the year. Luckily, we have everything you need to know.
The first day of the show opens on April 12 and revolves around political talks from German Chancellor Dr Angela Merkel, Lower Saxony’s prime minister Stephan Weil and Hannover’s mayor Belit Onay. German economics minister Peter Altmaier and German education and research minister Anja Karliczek will also present the Hermes Award together with the president of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Professor Reimund Neugebauer.
The core topics of Hannover Messe are tackled from Tuesday through to Thursday and include industrial transformation, machine learning, networked supply chains, lightweight construction to cloud solutions, environmental protection, renewable energy, and the silicon economy. Speakers include Professor Michael ten Hompel from the Fraunhofer Institute for Materials Handling; Professor Toby Walsh from the University of New South Wales; Eugene Kaspersky, CEO of Kaspersky; Christoph Bornschein, managing director of the digital agency TLGG; Professor Sepp Hochreiter, head of the Institute for Machine Learning; and Professor Jürgen Schmidhuber from nnaisense.

The event concludes on April 16 with the WomenPower career congress under the motto “RESET.RETHINK.RESTART”. The program will cover socio-political issues such as AI, equal opportunity and sustainability as well as career topics such as “Scoring successfully in meetings – also virtually”, “Successful networking in the STEM fields” and “Salary negotiations – strategies for women”.
The seven main areas the event intends to cover are Automation, Motion and Drives, Compressed Air and Vacuum, Digital Ecosystems, Energy Solutions, Engineered Parts and Solutions, Future Hub, Global Business and Markets, which span 32 further sub-topics.
Indonesia is featured as the show’s official Partner Country this year. The resource-rich country belongs to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and has the biggest economy within the group. The country launched the initiative “Making Indonesia 4.0” to revitalize manufacturing with the introduction of Industrie 4.0 concepts. As a result, multiple exhibitors and products from the country will be on display.
Exhibitors, from household names to sapling startups, will showcase their products, with many providing live streams throughout to fill each minute of every day. Networking is also a key feature, with resources like “Matchmaking”, “Business Dating”, “Dialogue” and “Be There” allowing professional visitors to meet and greet across various platforms including video chat and live chat.
You can find more information about Hannover Messe, including the registration, schedule and full exhibitor list on its website.
Check back on your guide to Hannover Messe as we will continually update it with the essential news before and during the event.
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