Xenics has announced the Wildcat+ 640 TE0 (TECless) and WL (Windowless) short-wave infrared (SWIR) cameras.

Xenics is Europe’s leading developer and manufacturer of advanced infrared sensors, cameras and customised imaging solutions for the short-wave infrared (SWIR) and the LWIR realm.Wildcat+ 640 TE0 200: the affordable high-sensitivity SWIR cameraHigh sensitivity is the holy grail for a lot of applications. However, these types of cameras are usually very expensive. With the TE0 version, Xenics proposes an affordable solution with a TECless version running at 200 Hz and maintaining the ultimate electro-optical performance of Wildcat+ 640.Wildcat+ 640 WL 200: the windowless optionTo complete the Wildcat+ 640 offer, Xenics now also proposes a “windowless” version (sensor package without cover glass): this helps avoid unwanted reflections and interference fringes as requested for laser measurements (typically Laser Beam Profiling). This configuration is also beneficial for wave-front sensing as it suppresses any uncontrolled optical distortions due to the window of the sensor. Finally, as this camera is also TECless, it results in a price-optimised solution similar to the Wildcat+ 640 TE0.Proud members of the Wildcat+ 640 family

Raf Vandersmissen, Product Line Manager for SWIR at Xenics, explains, “As these two versions are based on the Wildcat+ 640 configuration they both benefit from the same advantages”.The same advantages are:

  • Low readout noise (45 e-) combined with a large pixel (20 µm pitch) results in a very high normalised sensitivity (8.89, i.e., ratio of pixel area versus noise) which allows customers to detect very small signals
  • High dynamic range up to 68.8 dB
  • Region of interest for increasing the framerate
  • Possibility to integrate an optical filter
  • 2 trigger-in and 2 trigger-out for maximum flexibility in complex systems integration
  • GenICam-compliant SDK for straightforward integration

Dedicated to industrial applications, these cameras are proposed with CameraLinkTM or a plug-and-play USB3 Vision interface.Thanks to these two new versions, the Wildcat+ 640 family is now complete allowing Xenics to offer customers the best SWIR solution for machine vision and process monitoring.


Find out more about Xenics.

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