The 18th edition of Smithers’ renowned Image Sensors Europe conference.

18th edition of Image Sensors Europe to feature leading experts from across the supply chain Europe’s go-to technical and business forum for the industry. More than 250 key stakeholders from across the image sensors industry will convene in London on the 20-21st for the 18th edition of Smithers’ renowned Image Sensors Europe conference.

“Attending this conference is mandatory when working in the image sensor market. Great technology, great people, great conference.” – Teradyne

First held in 2007, this leading event has grown to become the go-to annual image sensors technical and business conference. Each year, this ever-evolving market continuously prompts new and exciting opportunities for the entire supply chain. Image Sensors Europe provides a platform for leading industry representatives from across the digital imaging supply chain to engage in high calibre discussions and unrivalled face-to-face networking opportunities.

Shaped with input from the Advisory Board, which represents the entire value chain, the compelling agenda will cover market analysis, business and manufacturing updates, potentially revolutionary technologies, and ongoing technical challenges. The agenda features a fantastic line-up of speakers including OmniVision Technology, Cannon, Datalogic, Edgehog Advanced Technologies, STMicroe-lectronics, Gpixel, VoxelSensors, onsemi, Yole Intelligence and more.

“Excellent event with outstanding speakers and plenty of opportunities for networking.” – Siemens Healthineers

Already confirmed to attend the event includes representatives from SONY, Imec, Samsung Semiconductor, SoftArt and many more. At the end of day one of the conference, join us for a networking drinks reception at The Palm House, a vibrant bar and restaurant in central London, just moments from Victoria Station.

Come together for unrivalled networking with your fellow industry peers over drinks and canapes. The drinks reception will run until 8:15pm, leaving plenty of time for discussion and the opportunity to then extend you evening in the city for dinner.

Tickets are priced starting at just £1,529 + VAT for full access to the two-day event.

For more information, please visit here

An online masterclass with industry expert Albert Theuwissen will take place on 12th March 2024. Join for just £449 + VAT to discover the recent developments in the CIS world over the last 12 months.

About Smithers

Smithers is a global leader providing B2B information services, including leading conferences and events, market reports and intelligence and strategic consulting services. Smithers also offer testing in a variety of industries, including electronics, components, tires, rubber, elastomers and polymers. For more information about Smithers, please visit here

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