New Imaging Technologies (NIT) has named the new line of SWIR InGaAs cameras, LiSaSWIR. Short-wave infrared (SWIR) and Indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) sensors provide the strong contrast needed for high-resolution imaging and can provide excellent illumination for outdoor, nighttime imaging. SWIR imaging is used in a variety of applications including inspection, identifying and sorting, surveillance, anti-counterfeiting, process quality control, and much more.
NIT’s LiSaSWIR family features a SWIR line-scan array camera that is optimized for applications requiring short exposure times and high accuracy line rates. They say the LiSaSWIR delivers high SWIR image quality whilst maintaining size, cost, and integration advantages in any quality control system. With the short-wave infrared spectrum, getting more invisible data during real-time monitoring is simple.
The first version available is the LiSaSWIR 2K – LiSaSWIR 2048M-STE. The technical specifications include a 2048*1 pixel number, 7.5µm pitch, 60KHz @ full line speed, 250e- (HG) readout noise and CameraLink interface. The camera is also GenICam compliant.

This news follows the recent announcement that NIT had partnered with the French National Research Agency on SWIR quantum dot sensors. NIT and the French National Research Institute at Sorbonne University aim to produce SWIR sensors using HgTe quantum dot materials deposited on read-out circuits (ROIC). The strategy is promising to design a low-cost and small pixel pitch focal plane array, as well as to expand the spectral range of the SWIR camera up to 2.5 µm.
Pierre Potet, CEO of NIT commented, “This is a major breakthrough in the life of NIT as this partnership will allow us to offer a full line of SWIR sensors and cameras in large volumes and at low price. This technology benefits from the overall imaging sensor market as it shares its common manufacturing platforms. No doubt this novel sensor technology will become the standard in SWIR sensors in 3 to 5 years”.
NIT is a French company headquartered in Paris with 15 years of experience dedicated to research and developing Imaging Sensor technology. They offer a portfolio of cameras and detectors embracing Visible CMOS and SWIR technology for the Machine Vision, Instrumentation, Aerospace and Medical industries amongst others.
You can find more information on NIT and their SWIR InGaAs cameras on their website.
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