Lytid has released the SIRIS (Short-wave InfraRed Imaging System) SWIR camera – a deep cooled SWIR camera based upon a Lin/Log InGaAs sensor from NIT and image processing algorithms from the French Research Agency.

The company says SIRIS exhibits the best performance on the market for read-out noise (<10e-) and dynamic range (>120dB) simultaneously, in part thanks to the NIT Lin/Log 1601 SWIR sensor. SIRIS is deep cooled down to 50K with a long-life cryocooler allowing a reduction of dark current. Everything is fully integrated into a compact and plug-and-play casing based on Lytid’s advanced photonic system integration. The camera is ready to be used in a few minutes thanks to the closed-cycle, cryogenic–free cooler.

SIRIS provides two read-out modes, full linear and linear/logarithmic, that combines with nondestructive read-out (NDRO) and allows for class-leading dynamic range. Three adjustable gain levels ensure flexibility to suit a broad variety of illumination conditions. Long exposure time up to one hour is achievable, and selectable region-of-interest on the detector allows “exceptional frame rate values”.

Lytid’s SIRIS camera.

SIRIS incorporates advanced noise reduction algorithms developed by ENS-CNRS, among which non-destructive read-out noise reduction is embedded. The resulting noise performance is drastically reduced and the final readout noise is less than 10e-.

Thanks to its high-edge performances, the company says SIRIS is the perfect tool for ambitious scientific applications, such as astrophysical observations, hyperspectral and biological imaging, spectroscopy and semiconductor failure detection.

Lytid is a French company developing, manufacturing and commercializing terahertz technologies for scientific and industrial applications via their two core technologies: the Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) and Schottky diode multipliers.

Lytid’s first product, TeraCascade, a compact and powerful terahertz QCL source, was awarded the Prism Award for Photonics Innovation in the category “Scientific Lasers”​ at Photonics West 2016. More recently, they aim to be involved with the mobilisation of the French National Research Agency for COVID-19 research, which will include 234 research projects funded for a total amount of 32.2 million euros.

You can find more information about Lytid on its website.

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