19th edition of Image Sensors Europe to feature leading experts from across the supply chain – Europe’s go-to technical and business forum for the industry
More than 250 key stakeholders from across the image sensors industry will convene in London 18-19th this year for the 19th edition of Smithers’ renowned Image Sensors Europe conference.
First held in 2007, this leading event has grown to become the go-to annual image sensors technical and business conference. Each year, this ever-evolving market continuously prompts new and exciting opportunities for the entire supply chain. Image Sensors Europe provides a platform for leading industry representatives from across the digital imaging supply chain to engage in high calibre discussions and unrivalled face-to-face networking opportunities.
This year’s agenda features a fantastic line-up of speakers including Panasonic, Sony, Canon, Meta, Gpixel, Forza Silicon, Yole Group, Hamamatsu Ventures Europe, Harvest Imaging, STMicroelectronics and more. This panel of experts will share their insights on hot topics such as
- Market trends & CMOS sensors updates
- SWIR, SPAD and depth sensing focus
- Automotive, consumer and scientific applications
- Image processing and compression
“Attending this conference is mandatory when working in the image sensor market. Great technology, great people, great conference.” – Teradyne
Tickets are priced starting at just £1,429 + VAT for full access to the two-day event.
For more information, please visit www.image-sensors.com/image-sensors-europe