To find out how the industry changed during the pandemic, MVPro Media’s Matt Williams spoke to several innovators in the world of machine vision. Stay tuned for the rest of our exclusive pandemic interviews. Also, to see the full list of our pandemic interviews, click here.
Claudia Kirsch explains how IDS was affected by the pandemic. Claudia works as an International Product Communication Manager at IDS.

MW: How did IDS adapt during Covid?
CK: Covid and its various impacts have certainly influenced most companies. In the field of image processing, we are also faced with the worldwide semiconductor shortage as biggest challenge. We had to answer the question of how we would be able to make industrial cameras available at short notice, even if certain components were difficult to obtain. We quickly decided to develop and manufacture new USB3 cameras with alternative, available semiconductor technology. Series production has started and is being continuously expanded.
MW: How much has Covid changed the way IDS is run?
CK: We mustn’t forget that Covid has changed the market – automation and digitalisation have gained enormous momentum. New areas where we will be more active in the future include, for example, transport and smart city, environment and smart farming. With our products, especially with the addition of uEye camera models in the low-price range as well as our state-of-the-art AI system IDS NXT, we can specifically address these requirements and therefore confidently look to the future.
MW: Did Covid give IDS the opportunity to reflect and research new ideas?
CK: Reacting quickly and proficiently to market developments and customer wishes is something that fundamentally defines our actions. The procurement problem of chips, however, was something we had never had to solve to this extent before. Through close cooperation between different departments, comprehensive planning, short decision-making processes and quick action, we were able to master most challenges really well.
We at MVPro Media would like to thank Claudia for taking part in this interview. Find out more about IDS here.