The EMVA Standard 1288 for objective characterization of industrial cameras, which is successfully used worldwide, has a successor in the new Release 4.0. The previous “Release 3.1” dated back to December 2016 and the application of the EMVA 1288 standard with a simple linear model was limited to cameras with a linear response without any pre-processing. Whilst the model is being continued with some improvements in the “Release 4.0 Linear”, a new module “Release 4.0 General” has been added in the recent release.
Release 4.0 now takes into account the rapid development of camera and image sensor technology. With it, the characterization of a non-linear camera or a camera with unknown pre-processing is possible even without any model due to the universal system-theoretical approach of the EMVA 1288 standard. Just as with the linear camera model, all application-related quality parameters can be measured in this way. Depending on the camera characteristics, the evaluation can now be applied according to the linear or general model.
In addition, Release 4.0 includes numerous expansions to characterize the latest generation of image sensors and cameras according to the application. EMVA say the most important of these include an extended wavelength range from UV to SWIR, the raw data of any given image acquisition modality can now be characterized according to the standard, and versatile and universal analysis tools of the EMVA 1288 standard can be applied to quantities calculated and derived from multiple channels. It also notes that inhomogeneities are now measured in detail and decomposed into the column, row, and pixel variations.

After the publication of the release candidate, Release 4.0 will automatically replace Release 3.1. This will be after a three month period (by mid-June) if no objections are submitted to the EMVA and if objections can be resolved.
Along with the new version of the standard, the EMVA has prepared a training program. Two or three-day training programs for the Release 4.0 will be held regularly in the near future in cooperation with EMVA member companies. The new training program will also continue a certification program at an expert level.
FRAMOS, a global partner for vision technologies, recently announced it is jointly hosting a two-day online training course with the EMVA taking place May 19-20, 2021. It will be led by Dr Bernd Jähne, who founded the Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing (HCI) at Heidelberg University.
You can find more information on Release 4.0 on EMVA’s website.
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