At VISION Messe Stuttgart 2021, the EMVA held a conference outlining its recent and upcoming work, including the September announcement of its new Spotlight Series, which begins 21st October 2021. The series aims to encourage discussion via short, sharp and informative talks in opposition to longer webinars and conferences.
The EMVA’s Spotlight Series is an interactive webinar format highlighting one specific aspect in the Vision Tech Industry in each of the events. The series will provide content and discussion from virtual meetings whilst the COVID-19 pandemic still causes severe restrictions in business and private areas. Spotlight meetings will include a keynote talk, one or several impulse talks, as well as time for discussion and exchange with the speakers and audience.
Starting in October 2021 with the kick-off event featuring Volkswagen; further spotlights will be run once a month on how AI and Embedded Vision influence the Machine Vision Technology; what trends everyone needs to be aware of in machine vision; the role of standards in the penetration of existing and new markets by machine vision technology; and machine vision technology applied at Continental.

On the event website, participants can register for the whole meeting series. Afterwards, they can select the meetings they want to attend and join the online meeting via the agenda. Registered participants can schedule individual meeting sessions with other attendees around the monthly EMVA Spotlight Event.
The pre-scheduled b2b meetings will also be offered in this online meeting series format. Participants may choose their preferred conversation partners out of the list of attendees. Individual video calls then will be scheduled offering meetings with peers ‘virtual face-to-face’ for networking, exchange of ideas or learn how others handle their business challenges in a pandemic environment.
The EMVA has assembled a program for the first upcoming sessions from October 2021 to January 2022. Further topics will be announced in due time. Registration is free and open until January 22nd 2022.
You can find more information about the EMVA and its Spotlight Series on its website.
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